About Pleigh’s

From Philip and Leigh: we both love food and enjoy cooking, but putting a meal on the table every night – especially after a long day – can be daunting. And cooking for just two people can be a challenge. And we want cooking to be a fun event, not a chore. Our solution? Feed the freezer. Cook in bulk once or twice a month, build up a rotation of dishes in the freezer, and it’s easy to defrost something after a long day at the office.

This also means any cooking event can turn into a small party, and there’s always plenty to share. It’s a running joke that we don’t have kids, so we adopt random (ok, not random) bachelors who don’t cook.

Also, there are economies of scale that favor cooking in bulk: shopping at a warehouse store (or, even better, restaurant supply) can cut the costs of ingredients by quite a bit – as long as it doesn’t go to waste. In terms of labor, there’s a LOT less cleanup involved after one big cooking event than 4 smaller ones – and given the quantities we cook, 4 meals is a really a conservative estimate.

Enough people have been intreigued by our cooking style that we thought we’d start a blog: what recipies do we use, how we make the food, and the choices that went into our style. Food is both a science and an art, and we love sharing what we’ve found works for us. We hope you enjoy and maybe even share some with us as well!

The name is a pretty obvious portmanteau of our names and started when we made some Ethopian-style berbere during the start of the pandemic. We wanted red lentils, but restaurants were closed and we didn’t have any berbere. However, we had everything we needed to make our own. We shared with some friends and even won a head-to-head taste test against a blend by one of the specialty spice stores. Everyone got berbere for christmas that year, and of course we had to do a nifty label for it. So we made the first logo out of both practicality and love.

We started the blog since we often get asked about the recipes, how we make the food, and the choices that went into our style. Food is both a science and an art, and we love sharing what we’ve found works for us. So, pleighs, enjoy, and share your own stories with us.